10 Things That Can Change Your Life

1-> BELIEF: Believe in you because you are unique. You can do things no one can do. Touch the lives of other people in way that only you can.

2-> DREAMS: Build a dream book with all your best dreams. Put pictures in it of the life scenes you would like to be. Try to make it into reality. Dreams don’t come true but they might. What have you got to lose?

3-> STRENGTH: Use spiritual resources that are special to you. It may be prayer, meditation studies or sharing.

4-> POSITIVE THOUGHTS: We have to consciously put positive thoughts into our minds because the world is ready and willing to infiltrate our mind with negative information. Fortunately, our minds can hold only one thought at a time, either positive or negative. The choice is ours.

5-> PERFECTION: You can do things perfectly if you try hard enough and long enough, but if you were perfect you would do them perfectly everytime. Enjoy being excellent everyday.

6-> CONFIDENCE: Confidence is required at every point of life. If you are confident you have half achieved. Confidence will boost up your morale.

7-> TIME MANAGEMENT: Time is universal gift. We either use them nor lose them. Share your time in a wonderful way.

8-> SMILE: Smiling is the same in any language. Laughter is the most effective way to deal with stress. If you act happy, you will begin to feel happy.

9-> SENSE OF BALANCE: Life as such is very important. Keep your life in balance. Set aside specific time to work and to play. If you can’t do what you enjoy, then enjoy what you do.

10-> RESPONSIBILITY: We sometimes take on the whole world. But we are ultimately responsible for only one person. I am responsible for me. So execute work and take the responsibility; to shoulder it.

SUCCESS: Success is not defined by obtaining everything you want, but by appreciating everything you have.